Do you know why Ferruccio Lamborghini chose a Bull as the guiding animal for his brand?
It seems he chose the bull because it was his zodiac sign. Interestingly, except for the first models with alphanumeric names and three specific models (Lamborghini Countach, Lamborghini Sesto Elemento, and Lamborghini Silhouette), all other names are inspired by the world of bullfighting and its iconic animal.
Here’s a list of all Lamborghini names and their origins:

- Lamborghini Islero:
ISLERO is the name of the bull that killed matador Manolete in 1947.
- Lamborghini Espada:
ESPADA means “sword” in Spanish, referring to the weapon used to deliver the fatal blow to the bull.
- Lamborghini Jarama:
JARAMA is the historic Spanish region where bullfighting was widespread.
- Lamborghini Miura:
MIURA is one of the most ferocious and aggressive bull breeds belonging to Don Eduardo Miura Fernandez’s breeding farm.
- Lamborghini Urraco:
URRACO means “little bull” or “young bull” in Spanish. They chose this name for this model because it was smaller, modest, and more economical.
- Lamborghini Jalpa:
JALPA is named after a breed of fighting bulls.
- Lamborghini Diablo:
DIABLO was the name of the fierce bull from the Duke of Veragua that took part in an epic bullfight with “El Chicorro” in Madrid in 1869.
- Lamborghini- Murciélago:
MURCIELAGO was the name of the legendary bull whose life was spared by “El Lagartijo” in 1879.
- Lamborghini Reventón:
REVENTON was the bull that killed bullfighter Felix Guzman in 1943.
- Lamborghini Estoque:
ESTOQUE from estoc, the sword used by matadors.
- Lamborghini Gallardo:
GALLARDO is the name of one of the five ancestral castes of Spanish fighting bull breeds.
- Lamborghini Aventador:
AVENTADOR, the name of the bull that won the Trofeo de la Peña La Madroñera in Zaragoza in 1993 for its “incredible courage during combat.”
- Lamborghini Veneno:
VENENO was one of the strongest bulls in history.
- Lamborghini Huracán:
HURACAN was a Spanish bull known for its aggressiveness and attacking ability.
The only Lamborghini models that deviate a bit from the traditional naming conventions are:

- Lamborghini Sesto Elemento:
Named “Sixth Element” for its extensive use of carbon fiber – the sixth element on the periodic table. A clever reference to both science and the car’s advanced materials.
- Lamborghini Countach:
The name comes from “countach,” an exclamation of amazement in Piedmontese dialect, meaning “wow!” or “incredible!” It perfectly suited this revolutionary car, which introduced many firsts: the iconic wedge shape, scissor doors, distinctive continuous profile from hood to windshield, and unique five-hole wheels.
- Lamborghini Silhouette:
SILHOUETTE named after the motorsport racing category.
- Lamborghini Sián:
“Sián” means “lightning” in Bolognese dialect, indicating the car’s extraordinary speed and technological innovation.
- Lamborghini Terzo Millennio:
The name “Terzo Millennio” refers to the “third millennium” which Lamborghini aims to tackle with cutting-edge solutions.
- Lamborghini SC18 Alston:
A unique model developed by Lamborghini’s motorsport division, Squadra Corse. The name SC18 Alston combines references to its sports division (SC) and the car’s specific design (18), while “Alston” has no direct connection to bulls or bullfighting.
- Lamborghini SC20:
Another track-focused, road-legal unique model created by Lamborghini Squadra Corse, following a customer’s custom request. The name follows the SC18 format, indicating the production year and Squadra Corse affiliation.
We can’t say whether it was the bull that brought luck and made the company what it is today, but we can certainly say that it’s well-known worldwide and many would love to have such bulls waiting for them in their garage!